Poèmaton : poetic and sound experience
This is an installation dedicated to poetry, adapted to the public space and visible to all. It incites the passers-by to curiosity and invites them to an intimate and unique experience.
It is a booth inspired by the Photomaton® that allows you to listen to poems without seeing the person saying them, without being seen by the speaker or by others from the outside.
At the end of the session, once the curtain is closed, the listener receives the poem he or she heard instead of his or her photo.
The goal ?
To democratize contemporary poetry in an original way, to reconnect with poetry.

Poèmaton is Covid-compatible: the actresses are masked, the booth is disinfected after each performance and a mask is placed on the earpiece to prevent splashing.
The Chiloé Poetry Reserve
+ 500 poems
+ 50 publishers
Bulles de Savon, Gros Textes, Plaine-Page, La Table Ronde, Les Herbes rouges, Motus, Printemps des poètes, etc.
+ 200 poets
Cosima Weiter, Frédérick Houdaer, Dominique Cagnard, Valérie Rouzeau, Patrick Dubost, David Dumortier, Ariane Dreyfus, Roland Dubillard, etc.
About ten themes
Poetic insurrection, Childhood, Baroque poetry, etc.

Technical Data
Dimensions of Poèmaton : 150 X 190 X 75 cm.

To be expected :
One hour for the location/assembly of Poèmaton, 30 minutes for the dismantling,
A flat surface and a quiet space
One additional person for the set-up/dismantling,
Transportation (on the basis of a Kangoo car from Lyon, France),
Accommodation (beyond 100km from Lyon),
A guard if the object is installed over several days outside,
A place to fall back to and/or a tent or tent-like shelter in case of bad weather,
A fixed price will be calculated for a research of poems on a particular theme.
An electrical connection for the illuminated sign is required for night-time installation.
Between 30 and 40 people per hour can take turns in the cabin. Children, adults, everyone is invited to live this unique and intimate experience.
Poèmaton can be set up both in the public space and indoors.
Each cabin is animated by a pair of actresses ensuring both the mediation and the reading.

If you are interested in coming to Poèmaton, contact
Sandrine Powet-Fawal, our international development officer
Download our Poematon brochure in PDF English version